作者: 黄庭坚 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人黄庭坚<采桑子·投荒万里无归路 Tune: Song of Picking Mulberries> tóu huāng wàn lǐ wú guī lù 投荒万里无归路,For miles and miles to the homeless wilderness I go, xuě diǎn bìn fán 雪点鬓繁。My forehead dotted with snow. dù ...
作者: 秦观 5 ( 2 人评价)
出自宋代诗人秦观<减字木兰花·天涯旧恨 Tune: Shortened Form of Lily Magnolia Flowers> tiān yá jiù hèn 天 涯 旧 恨,Gnawed by parting grief as of old, 中 平 中 仄, dú zì qī liáng rén bú wèn 独 自 凄 凉 人 不 问。O who would care for m ...
作者: 秦观 5 ( 3 人评价)
出自宋代诗人秦观<江城子·南来飞燕北归鸿 Tune: A Riverside Town> nán lái fēi yàn běi guī hóng 南 来 飞 燕 北 归 鸿,Like northbound swan and southward-flying swallow fleet, ǒu xiàng féng 偶 相 逢,By chance we meet; cǎn chóu róng 惨 ...
作者: 贺铸 5 ( 6 人评价)
出自宋代诗人贺铸<捣练子·夜捣衣 Tune: Song of the Washerwoman - Pounding Clothes at night> shōu jǐn zì 收 锦 字,I leave the loom xià yuān jī 下 鸳 机。With embroidered brocade; jìng fú chuáng zhēn yè dǎo yī 净 拂 床 砧 夜 捣 衣。Cl ...
作者: 周邦彦 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人周邦彦<少年游·并刀如水 Tune: Wandering of a Youth> bìng dāo rú shuǐ 并 刀 如 水,Southern salt white as snow, northern knife bright as ice, wú yán shèng xuě 吴 盐 胜 雪,Her fingers fair a fresh mandarin orange slice. xiān zhǐ ...
作者: 周邦彦 5 ( 7 人评价)
出自宋代诗人周邦彦<蝶恋花·早行 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers> yuè jiǎo jīng wū qī bú dìng 月 皎 惊 乌 栖 不 定,The crows feel restless, startled by moonlight; gèng lòu jiāng cán 更 漏 将 残,The water clock drips out as old grows night; ...
作者: 范成大 5 ( 5 人评价)
出自宋代诗人范成大<霜天晓角·少年豪纵 Tune: Morning Horn and Frosty Sky> shǎo nián háo zòng 少 年 豪 纵,While young, I was carefree, wearing a gown páo jǐn tuán huā fèng 袍 锦 团 花 凤。Embroidered with Phoenix and flowers of brocade. cé ...
作者: 李清照 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人李清照<醉花阴·薄雾浓云愁永昼 Tune: Tipsy in the Flowers' Shade> báo wù nóng yún chóu yǒng zhòu 薄 雾 浓 云 愁 永 昼。Thin is the mist and thick the clouds, so sad I stay. ruì nǎo xiāo jīn shòu 瑞 脑 消 金 兽。From golden c ...
作者: 李清照 5 ( 13 人评价)
李清照<声声慢·寻寻觅觅 Tune: Slow, Slow Song> xún xún mì mì 寻 寻 觅 觅,I look for what I miss; lěng lěng qīng qīng 冷 冷 清 清,I know not what it is. qī qī cǎn cǎn qī qī 凄 凄 惨 惨 戚 戚。I feel so sad, so drear, zhà nuǎ ...
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