作者: 苏轼 4.2 ( 5 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<题西林壁 Written on the Wall of West Forest Temple> héng kàn chéng lǐng cè chéng fēng 横看成岭侧成峰,It's a range viewed in face and peaks viewed from the side, yuǎn jìn gāo dī gè bú tóng 远近高低 ...
作者: 黄庭坚 5 ( 3 人评价)
出自宋代诗人黄庭坚<诉衷情·一波才动万波随 Tune: Telling of Innermost Feeling> yī bō cái dòng wàn bō suí 一波才动万波随,One after another, waves on waves onward sweep; suō lì yī gōu sī 蓑笠一钩丝。A straw-cloaked man fishes with rod an ...
作者: 黄庭坚 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人黄庭坚<醉落魄·苍颜华发 Tune: Dmnk and Lost> cāng yán huá fā 苍颜华发,A wrinkled face and whitish hair, gù shān guī jì hé shí jué 故山归计何时决。I dreamed of my homeland, but how could I get there? jiù jiāo xīn guì yī ...
作者: 黄庭坚 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人黄庭坚<采桑子·投荒万里无归路 Tune: Song of Picking Mulberries> tóu huāng wàn lǐ wú guī lù 投荒万里无归路,For miles and miles to the homeless wilderness I go, xuě diǎn bìn fán 雪点鬓繁。My forehead dotted with snow. dù ...
作者: 米芾 5 ( 5 人评价)
出自宋代诗人米芾<西江月·秋兴 Tune: The Moon over the West River - Autumn> xī miàn hé xiāng càn càn 溪 面 荷 香 粲 粲,The lotus on the creek spreads flagrance far and nigh; lín duān yuǎn xiù qīng qīng 林 端 远 岫 青 青。Above the green, gre ...
作者: 陆游 5 ( 5 人评价)
出自宋代诗人陆游<鹧鸪天·家住苍烟落照间 Tune: Partridge Sky> jiā zhù cāng yān luò zhào jiān 家 住 苍 烟 落 照 间。Living between grey mist and setting sun, sī háo chén shì bú xiàng guān 丝 毫 尘 事 不 相 关。I'm freed from all wor ...
作者: 欧阳修 5 ( 5 人评价)
zuì wēng zhī yì bú zài jiǔ ,zài hū shān shuǐ zhī jiān yě 醉翁之意不在酒,在乎山水之间也 古:仄平平仄通仄仄 仄平平仄平通仄 ◆也【上声二十一马】 今:仄平平仄通仄仄 仄平平仄平通仄 ◆也【三皆,ie,üe】 ...
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