作者: 苏轼 5 ( 8 人评价)
出资宋代诗人苏轼<水调歌头·明月几时有 Tune: Prelude to Water Melody> míng yuè jǐ shí yǒu 明月几时有?How long will the full moon appear? bǎ jiǔ wèn qīng tiān 把酒问青天。Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky. bú zhī tiān shàng ...
作者: 苏轼 4 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼 < 永遇乐·彭城夜宿燕子楼 Tune: Joy of Eternal Union> míng yuè rú shuāng 明月如霜,The bright moonlight is like frost white; hǎo fēng rú shuǐ 好风如水,The breeze is cool like waves serene; qīng jǐng wú xiàn 清景 ...
作者: 苏轼 4.9 ( 18 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<定风波.莫听穿林打叶声 Tune: Calming the Waves> mò tīng chuān lín dǎ yè shēng 莫听穿林打叶声,Listen not to the rain beating against the trees. hé fáng yín xiào qiě xú háng 何妨吟啸且徐行。Why don't you slowly walk and ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 15 人评价)
苏轼<念奴娇·赤壁怀古Tune: Charm of a Maiden Singer Memories of the Past at Red Cliff> dà jiāng dōng qù 大江东去,The endless river eastward flows; làng táo jìn 浪淘尽,With its huge waves are gone all those qiān gǔ fēng liú rén wù 千古风流人 ...
作者: 张昪 5 ( 1 人评价)
出自宋代诗人张昪<离亭燕·一带江山如画 Tune: Swallows Leaving Pavilion > yī dài jiāng shān rú huà 一带江山如画,So picturesque the land by riverside, fēng wù xiàng qiū xiāo sǎ 风物向秋潇洒。In autumn tints the scenery is purified. shuǐ ...
作者: 范成大 5 ( 5 人评价)
出自宋代诗人范成大<霜天晓角·少年豪纵 Tune: Morning Horn and Frosty Sky> shǎo nián háo zòng 少 年 豪 纵,While young, I was carefree, wearing a gown páo jǐn tuán huā fèng 袍 锦 团 花 凤。Embroidered with Phoenix and flowers of brocade. cé ...
作者: 辛弃疾 4.6 ( 11 人评价)
出自辛弃疾<西江月·夜行黄沙道中 Tune: The Moon over the West River - Home-going at night from the yellow sand Bridge> míng yuè bié zhī jīng què 明 月 别 枝 惊 鹊,Startled by magpies leaving the branch in the moonlight, qīng fēng bàn yè míng chán ...
作者: 辛弃疾 5 ( 7 人评价)
出自辛弃疾《破阵子·为陈同甫赋壮词以寄》 zuì lǐ tiāo dēng kàn jiàn ,mèng huí chuī jiǎo lián yíng 醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营。 仄仄平平中仄,中平中仄平平。 bā bǎi lǐ fèn huī xià zhì ,wǔ shí xián fān sāi wài shēng 八 ...
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