作者: 张煌言 5 ( 2 人评价)
屈指兴亡,恨南北黄图消歇。便几个孤忠大义,冰清玉烈。赵信城边羌笛雨,李陵台上胡笳月。惨模糊吹出玉关情,声凄切。汉宫露,梁园雪。双龙逝。一鸿灭。剩逋臣怒击,唾壶皆缺。豪杰气吞白凤髓,高怀眦饮 ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 15 人评价)
苏轼<念奴娇·赤壁怀古Tune: Charm of a Maiden Singer Memories of the Past at Red Cliff> dà jiāng dōng qù 大江东去,The endless river eastward flows; làng táo jìn 浪淘尽,With its huge waves are gone all those qiān gǔ fēng liú rén wù 千古风流人 ...
作者: 张昪 5 ( 1 人评价)
出自宋代诗人张昪<离亭燕·一带江山如画 Tune: Swallows Leaving Pavilion > yī dài jiāng shān rú huà 一带江山如画,So picturesque the land by riverside, fēng wù xiàng qiū xiāo sǎ 风物向秋潇洒。In autumn tints the scenery is purified. shuǐ ...
作者: 王安石 5 ( 4 人评价)
王安石<南乡子·自古帝王州 Tune: A Southern Song> zì gǔ dì wáng zhōu 自古帝王州,The capital was ruled by kings since days gone by. yù yù cōng cōng jiā qì fú 郁郁葱葱佳气浮。The rich green and lush gloom breathe a majestic sight. ...
作者: 王安石 5 ( 10 人评价)
出自宋代诗人王安石<桂枝香·登临送目 Tune: Fragrance of Laurel Branch> dēng lín sòng mù 登临送目,I climb a height zhèng gù guó wǎn qiū 正故国晚秋,And strain my sight; tiān qì chū sù 天气初肃。Of autumn late it is the coldest time ...
作者: 晏几道 5 ( 17 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<临江仙·梦后楼台高锁 Tune: Immortal at the River> mèng hòu lóu tái gāo suǒ 梦后楼台高锁,Awake from dreams, I find the locked tower high; jiǔ xǐng lián mù dī chuí 酒醒帘幕低垂。Sobered from wine, I see the curtain han ...
作者: 晏几道 5 ( 9 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<生查子·关山魂梦长 Tune: Mountain Hawthorn> guān shān hún mèng zhǎng 关山魂梦长,Severed by a far-off mountain pass, sāi yàn yīn shū shǎo 塞雁音书少。The wild geese bring me letters few. liǎng bìn kě lián qīng 两鬓 ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 10 人评价)
念奴娇·赤壁怀古_苏轼 dà jiāng dōng qù ,làng táo jìn ,qiān gǔ fēng liú rén wù 大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。 仄平平仄 通平仄 平仄平平平仄 ◆物【入声五物】 gù lěi xī biān ,rén dào shì ,sān guó zhōu ...
作者: 杨慎 5 ( 4 人评价)
gǔ jīn duō shǎo shì ,dōu fù xiào tán zhōng 古今多少事,都付笑谈中 古:仄平平仄仄 平仄仄平通 ◆中【上平一东】【去声一送】 今:仄平平仄仄 平仄仄平通 ◆中【十一庚,eng,ing(ieng),ong(ueng)iong,(üeng)】 ...
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