作者: 曹操 4.9 ( 18 人评价)
出自东汉曹操<观沧海 The Sea> 东临碣石,I come to view the boundless ocean 以观沧海。From Stony Hill on eastern shore. 水何澹澹,Its water rolls in rhythmic motion 山岛竦峙。And islands stand amid its roar. 树木丛生,Tree on tree grows fro ...
作者: 林则徐 5 ( 6 人评价)
此诗为1842年10月林则徐被遣戍新疆伊犁,路过<出嘉峪关感赋 The Westernmost Stronghold>所作 yán guān bǎi chǐ jiè tiān xī , 严关百尺界天西,The hundred-foot-high Great Wall bars the western sky; wàn lǐ zhēng rén zhù mǎ tí 。 万里征 ...
作者: 温庭筠 4.3 ( 6 人评价)
出自唐代诗人温庭筠<山早行 Early Departure > chén qǐ dòng zhēng duó 晨起动征铎,At dawn I rise and my cab bells begin kè háng bēi gù xiāng 客行悲故乡。To ring,but in thoughts of home I am lost. jī shēng máo diàn yuè ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 6 人评价)
出自宋苏轼<别岁 Farewell to the Old Year > gù rén shì qiān lǐ 故人适千里,When an old friend is to go far away, lín bié shàng chí chí 临别尚迟迟。Long, long will he linger before he parts. rén háng yóu kě fù 人行犹可复, ...
作者: 李白 4.6 ( 11 人评价)
出自唐代诗人李白行路难 Hard is the Way of the World jīn zūn qīng jiǔ dòu shí qiān 金樽清酒斗十千,Pure wine in golden cup costs ten thousand coins, good! yù pán zhēn xiū zhí wàn qián 玉盘珍羞直万钱。Choice dish in a jade plate is worth as much, ni ...
作者: 李白 5 ( 20 人评价)
出自唐代诗人李白<月下独酌Drinking Alone under the Moon> huā jiān yī hú jiǔ 花间一壶酒,Among the flowers, from a pot of wine dú zhuó wú xiàng qīn 独酌无相亲。I drink without a companion of mine. jǔ bēi yāo míng yuè 举杯 ...
作者: 杜甫 5 ( 13 人评价)
出自唐代诗人杜甫<江南逢李龟年Coming Across a Disfavored Court Musician on the Southern Shore of the Yangze River> qí wáng zhái lǐ xún cháng jiàn 岐王宅里寻常见,How oft in princely mansions did we meet! cuī jiǔ táng qián jǐ dù wén 崔九堂前几度 ...
作者: 杜甫 4.7 ( 3 人评价)
出自唐代诗人杜甫<望岳 dozing at Mount Tai> dài zōng fū rú hé 岱宗夫如何?O peak of peaks, how high it stands! qí lǔ qīng wèi le 齐鲁青未了。One boundless green o'erspreads two States. zào huà zhōng shén xiù ...
作者: 白居易 5 ( 6 人评价)
白居易<春题湖上练习题及答案> hú shàng chūn lái sì huà tú 湖上春来似画图,What a charming picture when spring comes to the lake! luàn fēng wéi rào shuǐ píng pù 乱峰围绕水平铺。Amid the rugged peaks water's smooth without a break. ...
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