此诗为1842年10月林则徐被遣戍新疆伊犁,路过<出嘉峪关感赋 The Westernmost Stronghold>所作
yán guān bǎi chǐ jiè tiān xī ,
严关百尺界天西,The hundred-foot-high Great Wall bars the western sky;
wàn lǐ zhēng rén zhù mǎ tí 。
万里征人驻马蹄。Having journeyed for miles and miles, I stop my steed.
fēi gé yáo lián qín shù zhí ,
飞阁遥连秦树直,The endless battlements join proud trees far and nigh;
liáo yuán xié yā lǒng yún dī 。
缭垣斜压陇云低。The surrounding walls weigh on clouds flying with speed.
tiān shān chán [1] xiāo mó jiān lì ,
天山巉峭摩肩立,Steep Heaven's Mountain stands level with the stronghold;
hàn hǎi cāng máng rù wàng mí .
瀚海苍茫入望迷。The boundless desert come in view puzzles my eyes.
shuí dào xiáo hán qiān gǔ xiǎn ?
谁道崤函千古险,Who says the Eastern Pass is strongest as of old?
huí kàn zhī jiàn yī wán ní 。
回首只见一丸泥。Looking back, I find only a mole-hill rise.
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