作者: 王安石 5 ( 4 人评价)
王安石<南乡子·自古帝王州 Tune: A Southern Song> zì gǔ dì wáng zhōu 自古帝王州,The capital was ruled by kings since days gone by. yù yù cōng cōng jiā qì fú 郁郁葱葱佳气浮。The rich green and lush gloom breathe a majestic sight. ...
作者: 王安石 5 ( 10 人评价)
出自宋代诗人王安石<桂枝香·登临送目 Tune: Fragrance of Laurel Branch> dēng lín sòng mù 登临送目,I climb a height zhèng gù guó wǎn qiū 正故国晚秋,And strain my sight; tiān qì chū sù 天气初肃。Of autumn late it is the coldest time ...
作者: 晏几道 5 ( 9 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<蝶恋花·醉别西楼醒不记 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers> zuì bié xī lóu xǐng bú jì 醉别西楼醒不记。I don't remember my drunk hour 中仄中平平仄仄 chūn mèng qiū yún 春梦秋云,When we parted at Western Bower. 中仄 ...
作者: 晏几道 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<蝶恋花·梦入江南烟水路 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers> mèng rù jiāng nán yān shuǐ lù 梦入江南烟水路,I dreamed of roving on the southern river shore, háng jìn jiāng nán 行尽江南,However far I might go, bú yǔ lí ...
作者: 晏几道 5 ( 6 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<玉楼春·东风又作无情计 Tune: Spring in Jade Pavilion> dōng fēng yòu zuò wú qíng jì 东风又作无情计, The eastern wind has plotted the crudest thing, yàn fěn jiāo hóng chuī mǎn dì 艳粉娇红吹满地。Blowing down ...
作者: 晏几道 5 ( 9 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<鹧鸪天·醉拍春衫惜旧香 Tune: Partridge Sky> zuì pāi chūn shān xī jiù xiāng 醉拍春衫惜旧香,Drunk, I caress my sleeves where perfume old won't pass. tiān jiāng lí hèn nǎo shū kuáng 天将离恨恼疏狂。Does mine remind ...
作者: 晏几道 4.9 ( 12 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<鹧鸪天·彩袖殷勤捧玉钟 Tune: Partridge Sky> cǎi xiù yīn qín pěng yù zhōng 彩袖殷勤捧玉钟,Time and again with rainbow sleeves you tried to fill dāng nián pīn què zuì yán hóng 当年拚却醉颜红。My cup with wine that ...
作者: 晏几道 5 ( 2 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<点绛唇·花信来时 Tune: Rouged Lips> huā xìn lái shí 花信来时,When flowers herald spring again, hèn wú rén sì huā yī jiù 恨无人似花依旧。Why won't my lord come back with flowers as before? yòu chéng chūn shòu 又成 ...
作者: 晏几道 5 ( 2 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<点绛唇·花信来时 Tune: Rouged Lips> huā xìn lái shí 花信来时,When flowers herald spring again, hèn wú rén sì huā yī jiù 恨无人似花依旧。Why won't my lord come back with flowers as before? yòu chéng chūn shòu 又成 ...
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