作者: 王冕 5 ( 1 人评价)
我行冀州路,默想古帝都。水土或匪昔,禹贡书亦殊。城郭类村坞,雨雪苦载涂。丛薄聚冻禽,狐狸啸枯株。寒云着我巾,寒风裂我襦。盱衡一吐气,冻凌满髭须。程程望烟火,道傍少人居。小米无得买,浊醪无得酤。土房桑树根 ...
作者: 王冕 5 ( 6 人评价)
出自元代诗人王冕<梅花 To Mume Blossoms > sān yuè dōng fēng chuī xuě xiāo 三月东风吹雪消,In the third moon the snow melts when the east wind blows; hú nán shān sè cuì rú jiāo 湖南山色翠如浇。The lakeside southern hills seem ...
作者: 王冕 5 ( 7 人评价)
出自王冕<应教题梅 On Mume Blossoms> cì cì běi fēng chuī dǎo rén 刺刺北风吹倒人,When the violent northern wind blows, man would fall; qián kūn wú chù bú shā chén 乾坤无处不沙尘。There is no place on earth but overspread with sand. hú ér ...
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