作者: 晏殊 5 ( 3 人评价)
出自宋代晏殊<踏莎行·小径红稀 Tune: Treading on Grass> xiǎo jìng hóng xī 小径红稀,Along the path red blossoms fade, fāng jiāo lǜ biàn 芳郊绿遍,On fragrant fields green grass displayed, gāo tái shù sè yīn yī ...
作者: 晏殊 5 ( 2 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏殊<蝶恋花·六曲阑干偎碧树 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers> liù qǔ lán gàn wēi bì shù 六曲阑干偎碧树,The winding balustrade caressed by willow trees yáng liǔ fēng qīng ,zhǎn jìn huáng jīn lǚ 杨柳风轻,展尽黄金缕。 ...
作者: 晏殊 5 ( 10 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏殊<玉楼春·春恨 Tune: Spring in Jade Pavilion Spring Grief> lǜ yáng fāng cǎo zhǎng tíng lù 绿杨芳草长亭路,Farewell pavilion green with grass and willow trees! nián shǎo pāo rén róng yì qù 年少抛人容易去。How could my galla ...
作者: 晏殊 5 ( 2 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏殊<浣溪沙·小阁重帘有燕过Tune: Silk-Washing Stream> xiǎo gé zhòng lián yǒu yàn guò 小阁重帘有燕过,By double-curtained bower I see swallows pass;wǎn huā hóng piàn luò tíng shā 晚花红片落庭莎,Red petals of late flowers ...
作者: 欧阳修 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自东岱诗人欧阳修<临江仙·柳外轻雷池上雨 Tune: Immortal at the River> liǔ wài qīng léi chí shàng yǔ 柳外轻雷池上雨,The thunder faints away beyond the willows green; yǔ shēng dī suì hé shēng 雨声滴碎荷声。The raindrops drip from lot ...
作者: 欧阳修 5 ( 3 人评价)
出自宋代诗人欧阳修<生查子·含羞整翠鬟 Tune: Mountain Hawthorn > hán xiū zhěng cuì huán 含羞整翠鬟,Shy, she arranges her hair adorned with jade, dé yì pín xiàng gù 得意频相顾。And often looks at me when a tune is well played. yàn z ...
作者: 王安国 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人王安国<减字木兰花·春情 Tune: Shortened Form of Lily Magnolia Flowers> huà qiáo liú shuǐ 画桥流水,Beneath painted bridge water flows by; yǔ shī luò hóng fēi bú qǐ 雨湿落红飞不起。The fallen flowers wet with rain can no more fly ...
作者: 晏几道 5 ( 7 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<木兰花·秋千院落重帘暮 Tune: Magnolia Flower> qiū qiān yuàn luò zhòng lián mù 秋千院落重帘暮, The sunsets over the garden swing and curtained bower; cǎi bǐ xián lái tí xiù hù 彩笔闲来题绣户。Within embroide ...
作者: 晏几道 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏几道<生查子·坠雨已辞云 Tune: Mountain Hawthorn> zhuì yǔ yǐ cí yún 坠雨已辞云,From clouds has fallen rain; 中仄仄平平 liú shuǐ nán guī pǔ 流水难归浦。It can't go back again. 中仄平平仄 yí hèn jǐ shí xiū 遗 ...
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