作者: 苏轼 5 ( 5 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<少年游·润州作代人寄远 Tune: Wandering of a Youth > qù nián xiàng sòng 去年相送,Last year we bade adieu yú háng mén wài 余杭门外,Outside the town; fēi xuě sì yáng huā 飞雪似杨花。Snow flew like willow down. ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 2 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<南乡子·送述古 Tune: A Southern Song a> huí shǒu luàn shān héng 回首乱山横,Turning my head, I find rugged mountains bar the sky, bú jiàn jū rén zhī jiàn chéng 不见居人只见城。I can no longer ...
作者: 张先 5 ( 1 人评价)
宋代诗人张先<一丛花令·伤高怀远几时穷 Tune: Song of Flower Shrub > shāng gāo huái yuǎn jǐ shí qióng 伤高怀远几时穷?When will the sorrow end to watch my parting friend wú wù sì qíng nóng 无物似情浓。From a tower above? Nothing's so deep ...
作者: 张先 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人张先<菩萨蛮·忆郎还上层楼曲 Tune: Buddhist Dancers > yì láng hái shàng céng lóu qǔ 忆郎还上层楼曲,Missing my lord, I lean on railings of the tower; lóu qián fāng cǎo nián nián lǜ 楼前芳草年年绿。From year to year sweet ...
作者: 晏殊 5 ( 5 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏殊<踏莎行·细草愁烟 Tune: Treading on Grass> xì cǎo chóu yān 细草愁烟,The mist-veiled grass looks sad in hue; yōu huā qiè lù 幽花怯露,Sweet flowers shiver with cold dew. píng lán zǒng shì xiāo hún chù 凭阑总是销魂处。 ...
作者: 晏殊 5 ( 3 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏殊<踏莎行 Tune: Treading on Grass> zǔ xí lí gē 祖席离歌,The farewell song is sung for you; zhǎng tíng bié yàn 长亭别宴,We drink our cups and bid adieu, xiāng chén yǐ gé yóu huí miàn 香尘已隔犹回面。I look back thoug ...
作者: 晏殊 5 ( 6 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏殊<清平乐·红笺小字 Tune: Pure, Serene Music > hóng jiān xiǎo zì 红笺小字,On rosy paper a hand fair shuō jìn píng shēng yì 说尽平生意。Has laid the innermost heart bare. hóng yàn zài yún yú zài shuǐ 鸿雁在云鱼在水 ...
作者: 晏殊 5 ( 6 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏殊<蝶恋花·槛菊愁烟兰泣露 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers > kǎn jú chóu yān lán qì lù 槛菊愁烟兰泣露,Orchids shed tears with doleful asters in mist grey. luó mù qīng hán 罗幕轻寒,How can they stand the cold silk curtains ca ...
作者: 晏殊 5 ( 10 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏殊<玉楼春·春恨 Tune: Spring in Jade Pavilion Spring Grief> lǜ yáng fāng cǎo zhǎng tíng lù 绿杨芳草长亭路,Farewell pavilion green with grass and willow trees! nián shǎo pāo rén róng yì qù 年少抛人容易去。How could my galla ...
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