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出自吴弘道<金字经 Tune: Golden Canon>


luò huā fēng fēi qù
落 花 风 飞 去Fallen petals fly away with the breeze,

gù zhī yī jiù xiān
故 枝 依 旧 鲜But leaves are still fresh on the trees.

yuè quē zhōng xū yǒu zài yuán
月 缺 终 须 有 再 圆The waning moon will wax again,

Wax and wane,

yuè yuán rén wèi yuán
月 圆 人 未 圆But we can't gather round as the moon waxes round.

zhū yán biàn
朱 颜 变Rosy faces to grow old are bound,

jǐ shí dé zhòng shǎo nián
几 时 得 重 少 年But where could youth be refound?

zhè jiā cūn láo jìn
这 家 村 醪 尽No more village brew?

nà jiā pēi wèng kāi
那 家 醅 瓮 开Undistilled wine will do.

mài le jiān tóu yī dān chái
卖 了 肩 头 一 担 柴The wood I cut sold out,


jiǔ qián huái nèi chuāi
酒 钱 怀 内 揣I'll have money in my pocket, no doubt.

hú lú zhù
葫 芦 住If you want to drink, you need not pay,

dà jiā tí qù lái
大 家 提 去 来But take your gourd and follow my way.

{$view->author} 吴弘道(生卒不详)元代文学家,字仁卿(一说名仁卿,字弘道),号克斋先生。蒲阴(今河北安国)人。曾任江西省检校掾史。曾汇编中州诸老书牍为一编,名《中州启札》。又著《金缕新声》,今佚。所作杂剧《楚大夫屈原投江》五种。今亦不存。《金元散曲》录存其小令三十四首,套数四套。风格较疏放清俊。...


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