作者: 苏轼 5 ( 2 人评价)
原文及英文翻译 Tune: Spring in a Pleasure Garden 孤馆灯青,The lamp bums with green flames in an inn's lonely hall; 野店鸡号,The wayfarer's dream is broken by the cock's call. 旅枕梦残。Slowly the blooming moon rolls up her silk dress white; 渐月华收练, ...
作者: 欧阳修 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代欧阳修<蝶恋花 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers> tíng yuàn shēn shēn shēn jǐ xǔ 庭院深深深几许?Deep, deep the courtyard where he is, so deep. yáng liǔ duī yān 杨柳堆烟,It's veiled by smokelike willows heap on heap. lián mù ...
作者: 苏轼 4.8 ( 19 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<江城子 乙卯正月二十日夜记梦 Tune: A Riverside Town> shí nián shēng sǐ liǎng máng máng 十年生死两茫茫,For ten long years the living of the dead knows nought. bú sī liàng 不思量,Though to my mind not brought, ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 24 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<江城子·密州出猎 Tune: A Riverside Town Hunting at Mizhou> lǎo fū liáo fā shǎo nián kuáng 老夫聊发少年狂,Rejuvenated, my fiery zeal I display, zuǒ qiān huáng 左牵黄,On left-hand leash, a yellow hound, ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 4 人评价)
宋代诗人苏轼<洞仙歌·冰肌玉骨 Tune: Song of a Fairy in the Cave > bīng jī yù gǔ 冰肌玉骨,Your jadelike bones and icelike skin zì qīng liáng wú hàn 自清凉无汗。Are naturally sweadess,fresh and cool. shuǐ diàn ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 15 人评价)
苏轼<念奴娇·赤壁怀古Tune: Charm of a Maiden Singer Memories of the Past at Red Cliff> dà jiāng dōng qù 大江东去,The endless river eastward flows; làng táo jìn 浪淘尽,With its huge waves are gone all those qiān gǔ fēng liú rén wù 千古风流人 ...
作者: 苏轼 4.5 ( 6 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<临江仙·夜饮东坡醒复醉 Tune: Immortal at the River Returning to Lingao by night > yè yǐn dōng pō xǐng fù zuì 夜饮东坡醒复醉,Drinking at Eastern Slope by night, guī lái fǎng fó sān gèng 归来仿 ...
作者: 张先 4.4 ( 7 人评价)
出自宋代诗人张先<千秋岁·数声鶗鴂 Tune: A Thousand Autumns > shù shēng tí guī 数声鶗鴂,The cuckoo showers yòu bào fāng fēi xiē 又报芳菲歇。Tears of adieu on fallen flowers. xī chūn gèng bǎ cán ...
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