作者: 苏轼 5 ( 24 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<江城子·密州出猎 Tune: A Riverside Town Hunting at Mizhou> lǎo fū liáo fā shǎo nián kuáng 老夫聊发少年狂,Rejuvenated, my fiery zeal I display, zuǒ qiān huáng 左牵黄,On left-hand leash, a yellow hound, ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 9 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<南歌子-湖州作 Tune: A Southern Song Written at Lakeside County> shān yǔ xiāo xiāo guò 山雨潇潇过,Shower on shower passes o'er the hills, xī qiáo liú liú qīng 溪桥浏浏清。Clear, clear water flows ...
作者: 苏轼 4.9 ( 18 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<定风波.莫听穿林打叶声 Tune: Calming the Waves> mò tīng chuān lín dǎ yè shēng 莫听穿林打叶声,Listen not to the rain beating against the trees. hé fáng yín xiào qiě xú háng 何妨吟啸且徐行。Why don't you slowly walk and ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 3 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<西江月·照野弥弥浅浪 Tune: The Moon over the West River > zhào yě mí mí qiǎn làng 照野弥弥浅浪,Wavelet on wavelet glimmers by the shores; héng kōng yǐn yǐn céng xiāo 横空隐隐层霄。Cloud on cloud dimly appears in the ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 4 人评价)
宋代诗人苏轼<洞仙歌·冰肌玉骨 Tune: Song of a Fairy in the Cave > bīng jī yù gǔ 冰肌玉骨,Your jadelike bones and icelike skin zì qīng liáng wú hàn 自清凉无汗。Are naturally sweadess,fresh and cool. shuǐ diàn ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 15 人评价)
苏轼<念奴娇·赤壁怀古Tune: Charm of a Maiden Singer Memories of the Past at Red Cliff> dà jiāng dōng qù 大江东去,The endless river eastward flows; làng táo jìn 浪淘尽,With its huge waves are gone all those qiān gǔ fēng liú rén wù 千古风流人 ...
作者: 苏轼 4.5 ( 6 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<临江仙·夜饮东坡醒复醉 Tune: Immortal at the River Returning to Lingao by night > yè yǐn dōng pō xǐng fù zuì 夜饮东坡醒复醉,Drinking at Eastern Slope by night, guī lái fǎng fó sān gèng 归来仿 ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 2 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<贺新郎·夏景 Tune: Congratulations to the Bridegroom > rǔ yàn fēi huá wū 乳燕飞华屋,Young swallows fly along the painted eave, qiāo wú rén 悄无人,Which none perceive. tóng yīn zhuǎn wǔ 桐 ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 3 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<如梦令·题淮山楼Tune: Like a Dream On the Riverside Tower > chéng shàng céng lóu dié yǎn 城上层楼叠巘,On city wall I see peak on peak appear; chéng xià qīng huái gǔ biàn 城下清淮古汴。Below the wall flow rivers old and cl ...
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