作者: 欧阳修 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代欧阳修<蝶恋花 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers> tíng yuàn shēn shēn shēn jǐ xǔ 庭院深深深几许?Deep, deep the courtyard where he is, so deep. yáng liǔ duī yān 杨柳堆烟,It's veiled by smokelike willows heap on heap. lián mù ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 8 人评价)
出资宋代诗人苏轼<水调歌头·明月几时有 Tune: Prelude to Water Melody> míng yuè jǐ shí yǒu 明月几时有?How long will the full moon appear? bǎ jiǔ wèn qīng tiān 把酒问青天。Wine cup in hand, I ask the sky. bú zhī tiān shàng ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 9 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<阳关曲·中秋月 Tune: Song of the Sunny Pass The Mid-autumn Moon》 mù yún shōu jìn yì qīng hán 暮云收尽溢清寒,Clouds withdrawn, pure cold air floods the sky; yín hàn wú shēng zhuǎn yù pán 银汉无声转玉盘。The River of St ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 4 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<西江月·世事一场大梦 Tune: The Moon over the West River Su Shi> shì shì yī chǎng dà mèng 世事一场大梦,Like dreams pass world affairs untold, rén shēng jǐ dù qiū liáng 人生几度秋凉。H ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 4 人评价)
宋代诗人苏轼<洞仙歌·冰肌玉骨 Tune: Song of a Fairy in the Cave > bīng jī yù gǔ 冰肌玉骨,Your jadelike bones and icelike skin zì qīng liáng wú hàn 自清凉无汗。Are naturally sweadess,fresh and cool. shuǐ diàn ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 9 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<水龙吟·次韵章质夫杨花词 Tune: Water Dragon Chant> sì huā hái sì fēi huā 似花还似非花,They seem to be but are not flowers; yě wú rén xī cóng jiāo zhuì 也无人惜从教坠。None ...
作者: 苏轼 5 ( 2 人评价)
出自宋代诗人苏轼<贺新郎·夏景 Tune: Congratulations to the Bridegroom > rǔ yàn fēi huá wū 乳燕飞华屋,Young swallows fly along the painted eave, qiāo wú rén 悄无人,Which none perceive. tóng yīn zhuǎn wǔ 桐 ...
作者: 张先 4.4 ( 7 人评价)
出自宋代诗人张先<千秋岁·数声鶗鴂 Tune: A Thousand Autumns > shù shēng tí guī 数声鶗鴂,The cuckoo showers yòu bào fāng fēi xiē 又报芳菲歇。Tears of adieu on fallen flowers. xī chūn gèng bǎ cán ...
作者: 晏殊 5 ( 3 人评价)
出自宋代诗人晏殊<浣溪沙·一曲新词酒一杯 Tune: Silk-Washing Stream > yī qǔ xīn cí jiǔ yī bēi 一曲新词酒一杯,I compose a new song and drink a cup of wine qù nián tiān qì jiù tíng tái 去年天气旧亭台。In the bower of last year when wea ...
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