作者: 李商隐 4.9 ( 22 人评价)
出自唐代诗人李商隐<登乐游原 On the Plain of Tombs > xiàng wǎn yì bú shì 向晚意不适,At dusk my heart is filled with gloom; qū chē dēng gǔ yuán 驱车登古原。I drive my cab to ancient tomb. xī yáng wú xià ...
作者: 李商隐 4.9 ( 32 人评价)
出自唐代诗人李商隐<衣雨寄北> jūn wèn guī qī wèi yǒu qī 君问归期未有期,You ask me when I can come back but I don't know. bā shān yè yǔ zhǎng qiū chí 巴山夜雨涨秋池。The pools in Western Hills with autumn rain overflow. hé dāng ...
作者: 李商隐 5 ( 39 人评价)
出自唐代诗人李商隐<锦瑟 The Sad Zither> jǐn sè wú duān wǔ shí xián 锦瑟无端五十弦,Why should the zither sad have fifty strings? yī xián yī zhù sī huá nián 一弦一柱思华年。Each string,each strain e ...
作者: 杜牧 5 ( 14 人评价)
出自唐代诗人杜牧<秋夕> yín zhú qiū guāng lěng huà píng 银烛秋光冷画屏,Autumn has chilled the painted screen in candlelight; qīng luó xiǎo shàn pū liú yíng 轻罗小扇扑流萤。A palace maid uses a fan to catch fireflies. tiān jiē yè sè liá ...
作者: 杜牧 4.4 ( 7 人评价)
出自唐代诗人杜牧 <赤壁 The Red Cliff> zhé jǐ chén shā tiě wèi xiāo 折戟沉沙铁未销,We dig out broken halberds buried in the sand, zì jiāng mó xǐ rèn qián cháo 自将磨洗认前朝。And wash and rub these relics of an ancient war. dō ...
作者: 杜牧 4.8 ( 28 人评价)
出自唐代诗人杜牧<泊秦淮 Moored on River Qinhuai > yān lóng hán shuǐ yuè lóng shā 烟笼寒水月笼沙,Cold river with sand bars veiled in misty moonlight, yè bó qín huái jìn jiǔ jiā 夜泊秦淮近酒家。I moor on River Qinhuai near wine shops at night. ...
作者: 刘禹锡 4.8 ( 32 人评价)
出自唐代诗人刘禹锡<乌衣巷 The Street of Mansions> zhū què qiáo biān yě cǎo huā 朱雀桥边野草花,Beside the Bridge of Birds rank grasses overgrow; wū yī xiàng kǒu xī yáng xia 乌衣巷口夕阳斜。Over the ...
作者: 卢纶 4.6 ( 14 人评价)
出自唐代诗人卢纶<塞下曲 A Border Song > lín àn cǎo jīng fēng 林暗草惊风,In gloomy woods grass shivers at wind's howl; jiāng jun1 yè yǐn gōng 将军夜引弓。The general takes it for a tiger's growl. píng míng xún bái yǔ 平明寻白羽, ...
作者: 孟郊 5 ( 32 人评价)
出自唐代诗人孟郊<游子吟 Song of the Parting > cí mǔ shǒu zhōng xiàn 慈母手中线,The thread in mother's hand yóu zǐ shēn shàng yī 游子身上衣。A gown for parting son, lín háng mì mì féng 临行密密缝,Sewn stitch by stitch, alas! yì ...
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